I've just finished creating an illustrated alphabet, something I've always wanted to do. I had so much fun creating the drawings. I wanted it to be whimsical, being appropriate for children and appealing to adults. Also, I didn't want to use the typical "A" is for apple, "D" is for dog images. My only homage to such an alphabet is the cat I used for "C".
"X" was the hardest to decide on an image for and I was determined not to draw a xylophone. Happily, I discovered that cactus is a xerophyte in the botanical world. It's a plant which grows in dry places and can live on little water. Who knew?? So, here's my whimsical alphabet for you to enjoy. Prints (two sizes), individual letter prints and note cards are available at my Etsy Shop. Twenty-three of the original drawings are available.