'The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure." --Mikhail Baryshnikov
A variety of pen and ink drawings, whether commissioned or original, that I've had the pleasure to create to give pleasure to others. Hover your cursor over an image to read more.

Summer Livin’—when long days stretch into each other and the passage of time slows to a crawl. Children float on inner tubes in a sparkling pool without a care in the world. When anything is possible and there is simple delight in the smallest moment. Avery enjoying her moment.

My second drawing of La Rotonda in Vicenza, Italy. My favorite view looking up at the villa from the street. One of Palladio's best architectural achievements.

This rooster belongs to an artist friend of mine. In fact he has two named Abbott and Costello—this is Costello. He keeps them in the yard where his studio is located. I love the variety of shadows and their many different values and the challenge of drawing them.

The first few years of a child’s life are full of discovery. There are a lot of first-time experiences. Usually with expressions of wonder, awe, and delight on their faces. I love to witness these experiences because they remind me of the immenseness of being a human being created by God, especially a very young one, when everything they do is a “first time”. Things we adults take for granted because we’ve done them so many times since our “firsts”. They’re discovering themselves and their world

This beautiful sculpture was created by Luigi Borro in 1875. It's located in the Campo Manin in Venice. The winged lion is a traditional symbol in Venice, symbolizing St. Mark the Evangelist, the city's patron saint.

This drawing is for the cover of the catalog that accompanies the Palladio exhibition. The statue is a monument to Palladio by sculptor Vincenzo Gajassi in 1859. I chose to show it in front of the façade of the building directly in front of the round arches flanked by rectangular openings which create what has become known as the Palladian window.

This is the Villa Barbaro. The pavilions at end of each wing features a large-scale sundial on the left and a zodiac dial on the right. A good example of Palladio’s five-part house, the feature that most readily marks a Palladian house.

Villa Foscari was commissioned by Nicolo and Alvise Foscari, members of an influential Venetian family that produced the longest reigning Doge, Francesco Foscari. It was built between 1558 and 1560 on the banks of the Brenta River.

Palladio designed a Villa for Francesco Badoer in the flatlands on the Venetian Republic’s southern border. Built and inhabited in 1556 on the site of an ancient medieval castle, the manor house was joined to the two barchesse (the side wings) that curved into semicircles closing off the stables and other farm buildings.

This client said she’d been going to commission a drawing for sometime and decided there was no time like the present. Beautiful home with unique stair rails. Love, love, love sunlight and shadows!

Printed catalog for the official Alabama Bicentennial Commemoration traveling exhibition "Celebration & Preservation: Drawing Alabama's Architectural History"

Alabama Bicentennial Park commissioned by the Alabama Bicentennial Commission for the center spread of the park dedication program.